Its critical to do business and technical assessment of the AI solution before(not after) starting the implementation

2 min readDec 27, 2021

Imagine that you are either

  • The Data Scientist, who is going to implement the solution, will require technical feasibility and complexity assessment like is the right data available? how inference will be integrated with the business process? and is the acceptance criteria achievable with the given data set and constraints? etc. Or
  • Business Manager sponsoring the project and want to ensure that the investment you are going to make will generate real value.

Lets take an example of a machine learning based forecasting solution. Forecasting is the science of predicting the future. Accurate forecasting is relevant in a broad set of business scenarios, such as:

  • Product demand
  • Cash flow
  • Inventory planning
  • Staffing at call centers
  • The selling price of crops
  • Deliveries per zip code etc.

A sample of business challenges specific to transportation industry need, that accurate forecasting can solve:

  1. How many on-demand rental bikes are needed at a time around a 3 block radius?
  2. How many on the ground operation specialists are needed to transfer bikes from one location to the other?
  3. How many trucks are needed daily to deliver goods on time to a warehouse in a specific

Lets say your company want to develop a solution for any of the above business challenge, what could be the key questions that will help you measure the technical feasibility so that you have the right cost estimates and expected ROI of the solution so that BOD can approve investment?

A have listed down some of the questions that will help you do exactly that.

Continue reading the discovery questions at my personal blog.




Machine Learning | Technology Consulting | Strategy | Technical Pre-sales